Legal Notice

This site - henceforth known as "the Site" - has been created by the company - henceforth known as the "Editor" - :

Company name MBC IMMO
Company stucture SARL
Capital 15000 €
Head office 3 Route de Beaupreau ST FLORENT LE VIEIL 49410 MAUGES SUR LOIRE
Company registration number 805 195 187 00010
Phone 0241378175
Publishing director THOMAS
Professional registration number CPI 4902 2018 000 030 226
Guarantee fund *
VAT number
Pro card issued by : CCI MAINE ET LOIRE
Pro card delivery on : 06-06-2021
Médiator : Association MEDIMMOCONSO 1 Allée du Parc Mesemena Bat A CS25222 44500 LA BAULE
"(*) This information is not currently available, but please Contact us "
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